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121 East 60th St., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10022

Restore Your Smile With Veneers

December 15, 2020

Not everyone looks forward to the new year, but it is safe to say this year is the year everyone will be glad to see the last of. While you may be thinking about a quiet celebration at home for the new year, many people start thinking about things they want to change moving into 2021. At the top of many lists is a better smile. If you are thinking about how much you would like to be able to smile for pictures in 2021 with confidence, why not think about veneers? Here is more information about veneers and a new smile for the new year.

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What Are Veneers?

Veneers are thin covers that fit over your natural teeth. While they can be made out of different materials, porcelain is considered the best material for veneers. Porcelain is a material that looks and feels like real teeth. It is beautifully white and sparkling as well, just like those teeth you had when you were a kid.


As adults age, their teeth are not as pretty as they used to be. Teeth can be stained from smoking, drinking caffeine, and even eating a lot of berries. While dentists can help with staining, there are other issues with teeth that aren’t so simple to fix. Teeth can crack, chip or break, leaving an unsightly looking smile that can make you uncomfortable. Veneers are amazing for fixing multiple problems with teeth at the same time. For example, if you have one or two teeth that are cracked, a broken tooth, and a couple of chipped teeth, veneers can fix all of those issues at the same time. Veneers are truly one of the best smile restoring inventions ever.


If you are looking for the perfect dentist to restore your smile, you need to make an appointment to come and see Dr. Latinelli. The number for our office is 212.752.7188. You can also come by and see us at 121 East 60th Street, New York, New York, 10022.

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121 East 60th St., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10022