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121 East 60th St., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10022

Benefits of Veneers

March 21, 2022

If you’re looking for a way to improve your smile but feel nervous about dental procedures, veneers may be the best option for you. Veneers are a noninvasive procedure that can change your life by giving you a permanent new smile. Here are a few other benefits of dental veneers and why you should consider them. 

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Veneers are a Quick Fix 

Veneers are thin pieces of medical-grade porcelain that are cemented to your teeth. They can easily cover up multiple cosmetic dental issues. If you have chipped, missing, or misshapen teeth, veneers act as a camouflage to these problems. If your smile has gaps you may think your only option is receiving braces. Veneers can easily cover up gaps instead of going through the process and pain of moving your teeth. If you’re unhappy with stained or discolored teeth, veneers can also be your solution. 

Noninvasive Procedure

Dental procedures can be a stressful or scary situation. Luckily getting veneers is one of the less invasive options. First, your dentist will remove ½ millimeters off the front surface of your treated teeth, this amount is even less than what's removed during the crown process. After the removal, your veneers will be placed with special cement. You will only receive a small amount of anesthesia or maybe none at all. After your veneers are in place you can enjoy the results immediately! 

Naturally Beautiful 

One thing people love most about veneers is the natural appearance the result creates. Your dentist will take impressions of your teeth so the veneers can match the color of your tooth enamel and the natural contour of your teeth. Dentists also sculpt each veneer to make sure to give you the most natural look. Each veneer is unique to you and will fit the shape of your face. Besides giving you a beautiful new smile, veneers will also feel comfortable in your mouth. 

Easy Maintenance 

After receiving your veneers you may feel overwhelmed to keep them in the best condition possible. Another great benefit to veneers is that they're actually simple to maintain. You won't have to do any special routine; it can stay the same as if you were caring for your normal teeth. Brushing twice a day and flossing at least once will help keep your new smile looking its best. Regular check-ups or cleanings with your dentist will also help keep that pearly white shine. 

You don’t have to live the rest of your life unhappy with your smile. Veneers are a great quick and easy fix to give you the naturally beautiful smile you’ve been dreaming of. If you’re ready to start the process, the team at JCL Dental is here to help. Our office is located at 121 East 60th St., 10th Floor New York, NY 10022. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment! 212-752-7188

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121 East 60th St., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10022