Dental Office Manhattan | Smile Makeover Upper East Side - When most people think of straightening teeth, they envision it as a purely cosmetic process, especially since the most obvious result of the procedure is a beautiful smile. While it is true that straight teeth have an undeniable appeal, there are some additional health benefits […]
Upper East Side Veneers | Manhattan Dentist - Are you looking to improve your smile? Veneers can help. A dental veneer is a layer of tooth-colored porcelain or composite resin that acts as a shell. The veneer is placed over the facial surfaces of your teeth and corrects any worn tooth enamel, uneven alignment or […]
Upper East Side Cosmetic Dentistry | Manhattan Dentist - A proper smile can be pleasing, but in the case of patients who have suffered trauma or earlier improper procedures, it can be important to their well-being. Patients suffering from bite problems can have dietary problems from the inability to eat certain foods.
Upper East Side Dentist | Manhattan Dental Office - Many of us dread going to the dentist and we all know that recovering from any type of dental surgery is typically less than pleasant. Here at Dr. Lattinelli’s, we want to ensure that every dental visit goes as smoothly as possible and tell you the […]
Upper East Side Dental Office | Manhattan Dentistry - It isn't uncommon to have a fear of the dentist. However, taking care of your oral health is important and fearing the dentist should become a fear of the past. Even though dental health care has come a long way, many still fear their next trip […]
Upper East Side Invisalign | Manhattan Dentist - Invisalign offered by Dr. Lattinelli is an exciting way to correct your smile and restore your self-confidence. You can painlessly restore your smile and give you the look you have dreamed about for years. Here’s how it works:
Upper East Side Cosmetic Dentist | Manhattan Dental Office - Have you ever seen advertisements for cosmetic dentistry and felt curious to learn more about it? Well, cosmetic dentistry is dentistry that helps create a more positive appearance for your teeth and for your smile. The most common types of cosmetic dentistry are tooth whitening […]
Upper East Side Smile Makeover | Manhattan Dental Office - Healthy smiles are something that everyone wants and we could all easily have them from childhood through adulthood if we just develop healthy habits from an early age! That’s why it’s vital to teach your kids how to care for their pearly whites as soon […]
Upper East Side Cosmetic Dentistry | Manhattan Dental Office - Smoking can have many effects on your body, but what about your teeth? If you are one of the 36 million smokers in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control, you may want to better understand smoking's effects. For more information on […]
Upper East Side Smile Makeover | Manhattan Dental Office - Few people, if any, dislike chocolate. Considered one of life's guilty pleasures, chocolate holds a special place in our collective hearts and is present at a wide range of social activities from romantic endeavors to the rampant candy-filled feasts of Easter and Halloween.