It’s never too late to get the smile you’ve always wanted. Not everyone is blessed with seemingly perfect teeth naturally or through corrective dental procedures during childhood. If you are well into adulthood and unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, the time has arrived to take the steps needed to turn things around! As […]
A desirable solution for missing teeth is a procedure called dental implants. Dental implants have become the preferred choice over dentures due to their numerous favored advantages. Dr. Lattinelli explains the alluring benefits below that cause dental implants to be the sought-after option among patients. The flexibility of dental implants is a huge plus over […]
Invisalign is a terrific procedure for straightening teeth that results in terrific smiles. Many people have heard about this dental technique but may not be familiar with exactly what it involves. Dr. Lattinelli explains how Invisalign clear teeth aligners work by utilizing the three simple steps below. The first step is to schedule a consultation […]
Today, the world feels like it is moving faster than it ever has, from emails, to Zoom meetings, to trying to binge-watch every single piece of content on Netflix. The mind never gets a moment to relax and that’s just one of the many reasons why some may forget to pay extra attention to their […]
Dental implants, although a pretty term at face value, many patients are still unaware of just what dental implants are. And if they do know, the knowledge can be limited. This can lead to misinformation and fear of even considering them when sometimes, they may be necessary. Today we take a look at everything you […]
It is common to brush your teeth and get on with your business without asking yourself, how many times should I brush my teeth? Do I have a dental plan? What should I do to make my smile better and healthier? Regularly ensuring that you clean your teeth and watch everything you put in your […]
Cosmetic dental procedures undoubtedly make a huge difference in a person’s appearance. If you are considering the possibility of cosmetic work on your teeth, Dr. Lattinelli provides five helpful tips below to go about selecting a highly qualified dentist. The first tip when considering cosmetic work on your teeth is to do your research on […]
An important part of overall health is making certain to properly take care of your mouth. Just as you schedule check-ups with primary care physicians and specialists when needed, routine visits to the dentist are also vital. Neglecting dental health does not only compromise showing off your beautiful smile but can negatively affect your entire […]
Cosmetic dentistry is a fast-growing part of the dentistry business. There are several reasons why cosmetic dentists are in demand. First, many adults have teeth that are less than perfect, and they need cosmetic dentistry to restore their teeth to their original beauty. Adults are actually keeping their teeth for a lifetime as opposed to […]
If you are uncomfortable or embarrassed by the appearance of your teeth, then you are not alone. Veneers have become a popular option for those who want to improve their smiles, but did you know that there are different types of dental veneers? There are two varieties — prepless veneers and porcelain veneers, and Dr. […]