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121 East 60th St., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10022

Dental Anxiety and How You Can Reduce it

July 6, 2022

If you’re an adult who feels anxious whenever you have to go to the dentist, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. As a matter of fact, this phobia that many of us experience during the formative years of childhood has a habit of carrying over. A recent study even concluded that almost 80% of American adults feel nervous about going to their dentist for their bi-annual check-ups and cleanings. So much so, that this condition has a name–odontophobia. Bot to worry, there are ways in which you can reduce its effect and the anxiety of visiting the dentist. 

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Practice Makes Perfect 

While this might feel like we’re preaching to the choir, the best way to reduce anxiety over going to the dentist is to maintain the practice of highly effective oral hygiene. Maintaining this consistency with brushing and flossing will build your confidence in your oral health, and your trips to the dentist's chair will be fewer. 

Talk with the Dentist Before any Procedure Begins 

Communication is the foundation of all human interaction. Before you go in for your appointment, make it a point to touch base with your dentist and explain that you have anxieties about having an examination done or any procedure for that matter. Ask questions, and understand that there are few dental issues that a trained medical professional hasn’t seen before. They’ll be more than happy to explain to you what they’re about to do. 

Don’t Be Scared While You’re in the Chair 

While this might seem easier said than done, there are techniques you can employ while you’re sitting in the dentist’s chair that can do a lot to limit the amount of anxiety you’re feeling. Here are a few essential tips that can be a huge help. 

  • Bring Headphones or Earbuds. The sound of drilling and other instruments might be a trigger and distracting yourself can help lessen their effects. 
  • Breathing Exercises. Finding some breathing exercises that alleviate stress is easy in this modern age of information. You’ll be surprised how effective they can be at taking your mind off the various feelings of anxiety. 
  • Bring a Stress Ball. Sometimes, it’s the little things that make all the difference. Just keeping your hands occupied while you’re getting worked on can take your mind away from the stress that’s occurring. 

Dr. Lattineli 

The offices of Dr. Lattinelli are fully aware of the stresses that many people have with visiting the dentist. We’ll take care of you and your teeth, and be extra gentle while doing so. Visit drlattinelli.com for more info.

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