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121 East 60th St., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10022

National Brush Day

November 6, 2019

As we are looking at another Halloween come and gone, as well as all of the frightfully fun activities that go along with it, we are also reminded that millions of kids across the country will be stuffing their mouths full of as much candy as their parents will allow.

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This also reminds us of the importance of teaching children about oral and tooth care, and there is no better time of the year to do it than right now.

That’s why Dr. Lattinelli and his staff are helping parents with a couple of helpful suggestions about how to not only get their kids brushing properly but also making it not seem like such a chore:

Get Back to the Brushing Basics

Many times, people (and especially children) may not actually be aware of the proper way to brush and clean their teeth. Take a few minutes to talk with your kids about the importance of taking care of their teeth and gums, and offer a little reminder demonstration of how to correctly brush them.

Such things as getting the ones hiding all the way in the back, as well as brushing the gum line more gently are very important.

Brushin’ to Some Tunes

Let your kids pick out their favorite songs to brush to, then set them to shut off after two minutes. This will help to condition your child to brush the proper amount of time, while also introducing an element of fun into it.

So, if you want to make sure that your child (and you) have the brightest and healthiest pearly whites that you can, give Dr. Lattinelli and his associates a call today at 212-752-7188. You can also stop by and see them in person at 121 East 60th St, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10022.

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121 East 60th St., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10022