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Permanent Retainers: Are They the Right Choice?

October 24, 2022

Retainers are a dental appliance that you’re most likely familiar with if you’ve had braces, but did you know they can also be permanent? Once your braces are removed your orthodontist will help advise you on whether to choose a permanent retainer or a removable one. Let’s take a closer look at the fixed retainer to see if it would be the right choice for your lifestyle. 

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Permanent Retainers

A simple definition of a permanent or fixed retainer is a piece of metal wire that’s attached to the inner side of the teeth. The metal wire will be glued to your teeth to ensure that they don’t move back to their position before braces. You may also hear the terms lingual wire or bonded retainer since the retainer is put into place with the help of a glue called bonding material. 

Permanent Benefits 

Many benefits come along with choosing a permanent retainer. If you're someone with a busy schedule the permanent route may be the best fit for you since it's so convenient. You'll no longer have to remember to put your retainer in which can sometimes be a hassle. Permanent retainers also don't interfere with your speech so you won't have to be embarrassed during public speaking. No one will even know you're wearing a retainer since the wires are placed on less visible surfaces of your teeth. 

Cons of Fixed Retainers

While there are great benefits to permanent retainers you should also be aware of some cons before you make your decision. Receiving a fixed retainer will mean another procedure that’s a little more invasive. Your teeth will need to be etched first and then a composite filling will be applied. This filling will hold the metal wire or chain in place. It may also be a little more challenging to keep your teeth clean due to the wire. Oral hygiene will require a little more patience when choosing a permanent retainer. 

Caring For Your Retainer 

If you do choose a permanent retainer here are a few tips to make sure your mouth is still being taken care of properly. You should always keep up with regular brushing and flossing making sure all of the space around the retainer is taken care of. A sonic toothbrush would be the most useful to help you achieve this. You should also take extra precautions while flossing and biting into hard foods so you don't cause any unnecessary harm to your mouth. 

Whether you've come to a decision or still need extra support, Dr. Lattinelli can offer you the guidance you need when it comes to permanent retainers. Visit JCL Dental located at 121 East 60th St.,10th Floor New York, NY 10022, or contact us today to schedule an appointment! 212-752-7188

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