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121 East 60th St., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10022

What is Invisalign?

June 26, 2017

Upper East Side Invisalign | Manhattan Dentist


Invisalign offered by Dr. Lattinelli is an exciting way to correct your smile and restore your self-confidence. You can painlessly restore your smile and give you the look you have dreamed about for years. Here’s how it works:

upper east side dentist

The process is quite simple. Invisalign uses a series of removable aligners which are practically invisible yet are custom made for your mouth. Every two weeks you change to a different aligner which will gently move your teeth to their eventual ideal position. Every day your teeth will be realigning themselves with no further effort on your part.

The Invisalign system doesn’t require visible and painful braces. The aligners can be removed at any time for brushing your teeth and other dental hygiene. You simply wear them every day and let them gently move your teeth and create your perfect smile.

Dental appliances used to create new mouth profiles are not new, but the old technology was cumbersome and not particularly attractive. Many patients might only wear them at night, reducing their effectiveness. Invisalign can be comfortably worn day or night, and being practically invisible won’t cause you any embarrassment while you align your teeth. Invisalign has been helping patients since 1997, and it’s estimated over four million people have seen the benefits of Invisalign smile adjustment.

If you are tired of having an imperfect smile or other dental misalignments, contact Dr. Lattinelli’s office today. We will be happy to discuss Invisalign technology with you and can make a determination if you are a good candidate for invisible smile alignment. Patients from adolescents to older adults can be candidates for Invisalign treatment, so don’t hesitate. Contact Dr. Lattinelli today and start your journey to a perfect smile.

121 East 60th St., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10022