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121 East 60th St., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10022

What to Avoid After a Professional Teeth Cleaning

July 14, 2023

Today, let’s talk about one of our most essential oral care services: professional teeth cleaning (and what not to do afterward). This is an important topic because, believe it or not, you have it in your power to avoid many dental complications with simple everyday best practices.

So, here’s a review of why professional teeth cleaning is essential along with what to avoid after you visit us.

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Why Professional Teeth Cleaning Matters

  • Thorough Cleaning You Can’t Get at Home - While brushing and flossing can address the lion’s share of plaque and bacteria around teeth and gums, you may need teeth cleaning for tougher problems. Whenever plaque becomes tartar, only the dentist has the best tools to remove it safely. 
  • Reduce the Chance of Serious Problems - Patients can limit their risk of gum disease, loose teeth, missing teeth, and other painful ailments by getting their teeth cleaned a few times a year.
  • Detecting Problems Early - Then, if oral disease occurs, it pays to catch it fast and treat it before it worsens. This happens more often for patients who make regular visits for cleanings.
  • Most Insurance Carriers Cover Them - It’s not an expensive treatment at all, especially when your dental/medical insurance includes it.

Things to Avoid Following Professional Teeth Cleaning

  1. Eating 30 Minutes Afterward - This might be the most obvious thing to avoid. If nothing else, it’s nice to savor a sparkling clean mouth for a while. The primary reason, however, is to allow the fluoride from the treatment to take proper effect. It takes just a little while for it to bond with the tooth enamel, which is essential for strengthening and safeguarding teeth.
  2. Hot Foods or Drinks (for a Few Hours) - Hot foods and drinks will also have an adverse effect on the new fluoride in your mouth. It’s also not a great idea to expose potentially sensitive gums (post-cleaning) to hot items.
  3. Skipping Brushing - Even on the day you visit the dentist, it’s still a good idea to brush and floss your teeth before bed. As usual, we recommend doing this gently unless you have specific directions not to brush.

Visit Dr. Lattinelli in Manhattan for Experienced Dental Care

We hope this encourages you to take advantage of our effective, affordable, fast, and convenient teeth cleaning services. This is the best way to save money and avoid painful oral conditions in the long run. Plus, we pride ourselves on a friendly staff who always seeks to make you feel welcome each visit.

So, come see us soon for Manhattan’s best oral care at JCL Dental with Dr. Lattinelli. Call us anytime to schedule an appointment for teeth cleaning at 212-752-7188.

121 East 60th St., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10022