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121 East 60th St., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10022

Why Dental Health is Important

January 9, 2020

Routine visits to the dentist do more than help you keep your teeth clean. Caring for your oral health can actually help you maintain your overall health. Learn why dental health is important by reading on.

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Neglecting your oral health can lead to gum disease. Gum disease, or periodontal disease, can lead to other health complications. For example, you can experience diabetes, leukemia, oral cancer, pancreatic cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, and even a stroke. To avoid gum disease, be sure to visit your dentist on a routine basis.

Poor oral health can also lead to other problems. One problem is oral and facial pain. Neglecting to care for your teeth can cause you to experience gingivitis, painful gum infections, and tooth loss. Also, if you experience an infection of the mouth, this infection can lead to major organs. Your heart and heart valves can become inflamed by bacterial endocarditis, which is a condition that affects people with heart disease.

It is even a possibility to experience digestion problems when you have poor oral health. Digestion begins with the physical and chemical processes in the mouth. If your oral health isn't functioning well, this can lead to your digestive health. You may experience irritable bowel syndrome or even intestinal failure if you don't care for your teeth.

All of these potential problems sound scary, so what can you do to prevent them? Brush twice a day for at least two minutes. Don't forget to floss as well! Eating a healthy diet can also help you care for your teeth. Finally, visit a dentist on a routine basis. If you're looking for a dentist in the New York City area, visit Joseph C. Lattinelli, DMD. You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Lattinelli or an associate when you call 212-752-7188.

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121 East 60th St., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10022