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121 East 60th St., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10022

Why You Need Good Oral Health Before A Cosmetic Dental Treatment

October 8, 2021

There are several good reasons why you need good oral health before getting a cosmetic dental treatment.

upper east side invisalign

What is a cosmetic procedure?

What is meant by a cosmetic procedure? This would include treatments like Invisalign or teeth whitening. Some are more complex than others, of course, but let’s think about why it’s important to have good health prior to getting this kind of work done.

Decay and gum disease

Existing dental issues can be made worse or glossed over by certain kinds of treatments. Again, this can cover a wide arrange of oral health conditions, but the main problems are decay and gum disease.

Decay usually manifests in what most people know as cavities. Cavities are some of the main culprits that halt or delay a cosmetic procedure. As an example, it would be very inadvisable to go forward with porcelain veneers (a restorative technique) when cavities are present because they would hide the problem, and if the cavities were to get worse, you would have a hard time seeing them. What about teeth whitening? That always sounds like a good thing to a customer looking to bolster their confidence with a brighter smile, except for the piercing pain you’re bound to feel when the whitener gets into the cavity and aggravates the exposed and sensitive nerves.

Lots of Americans experience gum disease and it’s even more serious than a cavity. When you’re suffering from this kind of infection, cosmetic dental treatment is off the table until the problem is corrected. Gum disease can cause problems such as loose teeth, gum recession, and even tooth loss.

Restoring your oral health

These problems do not mean you have to forego cosmetic dental treatment forever. They indicate that it’s time to explore some recuperative measures first. Dr. Lattinelli’s team can perform several procedures to address conditions like gum disease even with non-surgical treatments like scaling and root planing. In fact, we invite you to visit the services section on our website to get a better idea of ways we can help you restore your oral health. We want you to be in the best condition possible so that we eventually can, if necessary, further help you with a terrific cosmetic program such as Invisalign. Cosmetic dental treatment yields wonderful results, but always be mindful to take care of the basics first.

If you would like to speak to somebody to inquire more about Dr. Lattinelli’s dental office, feel free to call us at 212-752-7188. You can also schedule an appointment with us on our website. We can’t wait to brighten your smile!

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121 East 60th St., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10022